Saturday, August 06, 2005

This and That

Ooooh I have the best SP5 in the whole world! she sent me the most beautiful glass windchimes. And there was a very elegant alpaca flower pin kit to make. A box full of labels to use on things. And a skein of Hand Dyed Prism by Colinette yarn in Blue parrot!

NOw to ponder what to make with the Blue Parrot yarn, where to hang the windchimes and cast on for the flower pin kit. I'm also going to check and see if I can print on the label sheets using my computer. Then I could make some great labels that are very personalized for my correspondence.

That was the THIS part and now for the THAT

The one skein wonder shrug patttern is something I ahve been admiring and lusting for for quite some time. Today I succumbed and ordered it from Glampyre and guess what? It is a .pdf download file so there was INSTANT gratification involved too! AND the needles it calls for were empty and I just happened to have a skein or two of yarn that might make the shrug for me as it is a 6oz skein and not a 4oz one I figure I'm safe from the 1 and HALF skein wonders I have heard of happening happening to me.

well dinner is ready and the movie is over (Home Alone 4 which I did not think was possible to be worse than the Home Alone 3 but it was.... sigh none of them are as good as the original!)

knitting love and hugs
needles clacking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I can comment! Woo hoo!

Glad you liked your gifts. It's been fun shopping for ya!