Heading to work today I stopped at the new Panera Bread that opened 1 mile from my house. I had clipped a buy 3 bagels get 3 free coupon and did not have time to pack a lunch today so I thought I'd fill my belly with bagels. Well as I drive into the parking lot what do I see during the very foggy sunrise but "mountains" in Florida. now the highest elevation anywhere near where I live in the Tampa Bay area is an On-Ramp to any highway. And as I just returned from Hawaii you can imagine my only 2 1/2 hours sleep surprised eyes! I had the camera with me and snapped a couple of pics. The first is just set at auto, the second taken on the sunset setting(no sunrise setting guess it is suppose to do double duty) and this is what I got


On closer inspection (read as: blown up onto 19" monitor screen) i can clearly see that those are not mounds of dirt for the "developing" that is going on there, but actually the housing development behind this new Plaza. The mound in the foreground near the pitiful looking scrubby oak tree IS a mound of elevation raising/leveling dirt for the continued construction.
I almost wish I had not looked at the full sized photos so I could still think there were mountains of developing dirt piles in my site. If I had taken the pictures before I went into Panera they would have been less distinct and thus, no unveiling of the realistic truth that indeed, my quiet quiet neighborhood is becoming the new suburb to the suburb to the suburb of Tampa. sigh, in time, all things must change.
Have a blessing filled day and do a random acts of Kindness today in memory of my dear friend Joanna who passed of breast cancer in May '07. On the bookmark made for her memorial were several quotes. but two I will remind you of today:
Kindness Matters
monthly self-exams can save lives, but a cure would be nice too
teary eyed hugs,
1 comment:
Thanks for the link to your knitting blog! I love the sunrise pictures. But most of all, thanks for the link to the contest. I really hope that this small gesture--a contest for yarn--is able to effect a lasting change in the hearts of those who give and recieve random acts of kindness.
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